Ordu’s natural beauty is one of the many reasons that lead me to move here. There are many undiscovered destinations, but there are also several well-known places that you just can’t miss when you come to visit. One of these destinations is Ohtamış Waterfall in the county of Ulubey. It’s about an hours drive from the City of Ordu along some of the most beautiful roads in Turkey.

Ohtamış Waterfall isn’t just any waterfall. It’s considered the tallest waterfall in the entire Black Sea Region of Turkey. Even with credentials like that it still remains relatively untouched by tourism. The waterfall is secluded and only can be reached on foot and with permission from locals who live at the entrance of the path to the falls. They extremely friendly and will be more than happy to show the way if you so desire. The path is steep but easily passable. There is even a section were you have to skip across a shallow creek. The roar of the falls will lead the way and assure you that you are headed in the right direction.
Directions: There are a couple of ways to get to the falls. If you want a little off-road adventure…Travel on Highway D855 from Ordu towards Gürgentepe. After 20 km past Ulubey (7 km before Gürgentepe) there will be a dirt road on the left with a sign to the falls. This road will lead towards the village of Ohtamış. Keep going straight until you find another sign to the falls. Remember, the waterfall is at the bottom of the valley. The less adventurous route…Travel Highway D855 until Ulubey. In Ulubey you will turn left at the town square and follow the signs toward the village of Akoluk. After passing Akoluk keeping going until you see a sign for the falls. No dirt roads!

we all love waterfalls. Enjoy a lot in the waterfall and forget everything while playing in the falls. I'm Anjali working as an ISO consultant and we provide ISO 14001 certification in Turkey for Environmental management systems. For more info: